Monday, June 29, 2009

Tired of Being Grateful!

I'm tired of being "grateful" to have a job! I work hard and I deserve to have a job! Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying I'm more deserving than the next guy or the folks in the unemployment line -- I'm not. I'm just sick of "The Man" thinking he's doing me a favor by keeping me employed.

Truth be told, I AM grateful to have a job...I thank God most every day for my abundant blessings. I have always chosen to work (good thing because I need the money!). I’d be lost without a job, and not just monetarily.

The problem is “The Man,” who I define as corporate America making policies and decisions to ensure his/her pocket continues to be abundantly lined, increasingly treats the working class as unnecessary and dispensable. He doesn’t see the value of people who are not just like him. He doesn’t appreciate or reward years of hard work and dedication. He’s looking for the newest Whiz Kid to steer his company into the future.

Because he does not value, he toys with his minions, like a cat with a mouse. He cuts positions and makes the little people do more work for the same pay. He mandates unpaid furloughs. When his pockets still aren’t fat enough, he cuts pay.

Indeed, The Man does not realize that the working class is the very backbone of his company. They keep the integrity of his product intact. They attend to the day-in and day-out details of daily operations. They show loyalty and dedication to “The Man,” but he does not acknowledge their significance.

“Mr. Man,” I realize you could be much crueler, but I have worked hard for you for many years. I have made many sacrifices to ensure the success of your company. I have done a good job and I have earned the privilege of working for your company…I DESERVE to be employed.

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