Monday, June 15, 2009

WARNING: Student Driver

Have you ever been out and about driving, and look beside you to see a student driver? I always feel reassured when they are in a marked car with an instructor. But what about when it’s a parent teaching a teen to drive? I used to pity the kid – learning to drive is a stressful thing. That was then, this is now. Now, I pity the parent!

I was fortunate with my oldest son, my husband covered the practical skills and I was more of a practice coach. With my youngest son, however, I have gotten the lion’s share of “teaching.” It’s driving me batty! I practically crouch in my seat, at the ready to jump out the window if necessary! Not that he’s doing all that poorly, but he sure does like to hug the right side of the road. There are a lot of things on the right side of the road: curbs, sidewalks, parked cars, bicycle riders….

The only positive (so far) is I’m able to bribe him into doing any chore I want so that he can drive. I think a little manipulation is fair exchange for the years he’s shaving from my life each time he gets behind the wheel.

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