Monday, June 8, 2009

Tough Choice

I made a very difficult decision this week: I quit my part-time, second job. One might think that it would be an easy choice -- afterall, who really wants to work two jobs?!

It's true, I missed having time (in any quantity) to do things I enjoy. I haven't been productive with my craft of knit and crochet, I haven't walked my dogs, I haven't read nearly as many books as I'd like. I have not found quality time I need to write. We won't discuss the (disorderly) state of my house!

My second job was a surprise pleasure for me. I sell draperies and custom blinds (or at least I do until July 1st!). Besides the fact that I have to deal with fractions daily (yuck!) and re-learned my multiplication table (the wheels need oil!), this is a creative outlet that I hadn't expected and -- an even bigger surprise -- I'm not bad at it! Go figure! Watching HGTV does do good!

I feel like an integral part of the team. There are only four of us, so it's important to be a team. There were many times I went to work feeling blue, beaten down, practically worthless and I walked out feeling really good about the job I'd done that day.

So why give it up? Well, that's a whole another blog! In short, something had to give because I've decided that attending college is a priority for me right now. I can't work two jobs and go to school and achieve quality results at all three. So, I keep the full-time job and go to school.

I willl miss my team and the work itself. I leave on a high note because I know that on my last day those I leave behind will not be glad to see the back side of me.

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